FILM: Destiny's Film Farm - Roger Remjet 240D Film
Destiny’s Film Farm is hand-spooled film in re-used old film canisters. Creating less waste and extending the life of what would usually be a single use product! Their cinefilm comes direct from Kodak. All your old favourite movies and tv shows were shot on the exact same stock! They guarantee up to 36 exposures (there’s a chance you’ll get up to 40 exposures!) Due to the nature of re-spooled film anything after 36 may have light leaks and is not guaranteed.
- 250 ISO.
- Re-spooled cinema film.
- Minimum 36 exposures.
- Remjet on.
- Process: ECN-2
*Remjet is a layer on the film that aides the film’s movement within cinema cameras. It won’t hurt your camera though it will hurt a film lab’s C-41 processor. It’s essential you tell your lab that these films have their remjet layer intact or taking it to a lab familiar with the ECN-2 process.
*ECN-2 is the chemical process that gets the best results out of cinema film. You can also develop it in C-41 but it is essential you do this yourself and do not take it to a lab to develop (as it can ruin their equipment).
We recommend Do-Film! in Darlinghurst who develop ECN-2 in house!