FILM: Destiny's Film Farm - Double Agent - ISO 250
Destiny’s Film Farm is hand-spooled film in re-used old film canisters. Creating less waste and extending the life of what would usually be a single use product! They guarantee up to 36 exposures (there’s a chance you’ll get up to 40 exposures!) Due to the nature of re-spooled film anything after 36 may have light leaks and is not guaranteed.
- 250 ISO.
- Re-spooled B+W 35mm cinema film.
- Minimum 36 exposures - No Remjet
A classic punchy black and white film we adore. Take care with your exposure and you’ll be rewarded with images fit for the silver screen.
If it’s good enough for Scorsese its good enough for us!
Process: Kodak Double-X (Eastman 5222)